It could well be that the functionality present in two plugins is actually covered by one (for instance, WordPress SEO by Yoast includes XML sitemap functionality, therefore negating the need for a separate XML sitemap plugin), or that you have a bloated plugin whose resource intensiveness is not worth the added functionality. I would also recommend that you take a close look at your activated plugins and ask yourself whether you really need all of them. That’s two good reasons to get rid of deactivated themes and plugins. They represent a security risk (your site can still be breached via deactivated themes and plugins).There are two things that you should know about deactivated themes and plugins on your WordPress dashboard: Step 2: Remove Redundant Themes and Plugins You can get the FTP login details from your hosting provider.
How to reduce page size in word Pc#
If you’re not set up with an FTP client yet I recommend FileZilla (for both PC and Mac). You will need FTP access to take backups and carry out some of the following steps. Just remember: for each of the following steps make sure that you take a backup before making any changes. You may not know what those files are yet so this step is something to bear in mind throughout the process rather than put into action right now.

How to reduce page size in word manual#
With the above said, I strongly recommend that you take a manual backup of any files that you will be editing or removing during this process. If this rule is not already firmly drilled into your head, make sure that it is before you proceed. You should never do anything to your site without first taking a backup.

And even if you are not having backup issues, I would recommend that you read the following and put my advice into practice so that you don’t run into problems in the future. If you take a few minutes to convert that lumbering beast of a site into a more lithe version of itself, you may find that backups are no longer an issue. In my experience one of the most common causes of failed backups is simply the sheer size of your website. The reality that our precious site data isn’t being backed up is one we’d all rather avoid. If you don’t use ManageWP’s backup functionality then your equivalent to the red icon, whatever it may be, is probably just as frustrating and scary. However, occasionally we can be presented with the dreaded red icon that signifies a failed backup. There are few things more reassuring than those little green icons that inform me of successful backups: If you’re anything like me then you’ll be a little bit in love with it - I thought you couldn’t buy peace of mind but it turns out that I was wrong. If you’re a ManageWP user then you probably know all about our scheduled backups feature.